Flash Movie Review: To Be Takei

Each of us has been a victim at one time or another, though you may not have known it. Maybe it was the restaurant host who did not like the way you were dressed, so they told you there was over an hour wait to get a table. How about that taxi driver who drove past you as you were trying to flag them down, even though they did not have anyone in the car with them. Anytime during school when you were picked on, called hateful names or bullied; turned you into a victim. The big question is what do you do after you have been victimized. For me I internalized it for years; however, the pain found ways to filter through my mind in a constructive way. I grew to be extra sensitive towards new members entering my classes when it was quite obvious they were uncomfortable being in such an environment. Having been picked on for my lack of athletic ability back in high school, I became fiercely protective of each person in my classes; to the point where I had to ask someone to move to a different part of the aerobic studio because I could see they were becoming aggressively territorial towards a new member standing next to them. More and more I witness someone not liking someone else because they are different.    GEORGE Takei (Star Trek franchise, Heroes-TV) started out being a minority withing a minority. Here was a man who helmed the Starship Enterprise, yet I had no idea as a young boy he lived in an internment camp for Japanese American citizens during World War II. From such a traumatic event this documentary was able to show how driven one man became in the pursuit of his dreams. I found this film to be a fascinating study of George. He was able to take his drive and determination into such varied areas of his life, almost reinventing himself time and time again. Always charming and witty, he has recently become an internet star with over 7 million followers on Facebook. If nothing else this movie was worth watching simply to hear George talk about William Shatner (Star Trek franchise, T.J. Hooker -TV) and then to see how William acted in interviews when George was brought up for discussion; it was hilarious. There were other parts of the movie that were funny and even when the topic turned serious, there was never a time where the viewer was made to feel uncomfortable. I completely enjoyed this film, watching the indomitable spirit of a man who would never allow himself to become a victim.


3 1/4 stars

About moviejoltz

From a long line of movie afficionados, one brother was the #1 renter of movies in the country with Blockbuster, I am following in the same traditions that came before me. To balance out the long hours seated in dark movie theaters, I also teach yoga and cycling. For the past 3 years, I have correctly picked the major Oscar winners... so join me as we explore the wonder of movies and search for that perfect 4 star movie.

Posted on September 11, 2014, in Documentary and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. I am watching it at this very moment! 2/3 through and think it is just terrific!

  2. Great review! This sounds like something that is well worth the watch!

  3. Another great review, thank you for not letting the great ones slip past us.

  4. Many years ago, I sat for an hour in the “Ten-Forward” lounge at a Star Trek convention, watching and listening to George chat with other guests. I was too shy to speak to him myself, but he made an impression – and that was before i knew of his personal history.

    I’m looking forward to watching this even more, after reading your review!

    • Wow, I truly hope you can see this film. I understand it is available to download. Also, I would truly enjoy hearing back from you after seeing this film, to hear your impressions of George from the 1st time to him today. Thanks for coming by to leave your comments.

      • I’ve got quite a bit happening right now, but I expect things to calm down for a bit in a couple of weeks. I’ll maybe watch it then, and I’ll definitely share my impressions.

  5. Reblogged this on shanjeniah and commented:
    Because it’s far more than OK to be Takei!

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