Monthly Archives: October 2011

Flash Movie Review: Warrior

This movie was a total surprise for me. I had no desire to see it, only going because I wanted to see Nick Nolte’s performance. Not only was he excellent in it, the movie was one of the best movies I have seen this year. Nolte plays a former alcoholic boxer who is surprised when his youngest son shows up one day, wanting his father to train him. What Rocky did for boxing, this movie does for mixed martial arts.  We have heard the story before, but the way it unfolds is fresh and wonderful. The audience cheered, they cried and we left feeling good. Don’t miss this film.

3 3/4 stars

Flash Movie Review: The Debt

I liked the idea behind this movie and it started out well. A trio of Mossad agents are on a mission to capture a Nazi doctor who performed horrible experiments on prisoners. The mission takes an unexpected turn and the 3 must keep a secret, that plagues them 30 years later. I always love Helen Mirren but I could not take my eyes off of Jessica Chastain — good acting chops on this one. The last half of the movie was a big disappointment for me and I felt the ending was a cop out.

2 1/3 stars


Flash Movie Review: Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont

Such a sweet and touching movie, I really enjoyed watching this one. An elderly woman moves to a retirement hotel to be closer to her grandson. With the grandson’s lack of enthusiasm, Mrs. Palfrey meets a young man and they strike up an interesting relationship.

2 3/4 stars — DVD 


Flash Movie Review: The Ides of March

George Clooney made a great looking political candidate, with Ryan Gosling as the whiz kid staffer. Solid acting from most of the actors and some great shot scenes. However, parts dragged for me and I did not believe the Evan Rachel Wood character. If I wasn’t already sick of politics, I got to see another dirty side of them.

2 3/4 stars

Flash Movie Review: I Am David

Though parts of this movie were predictable, it kept my attention and I cried at the end.  A 12 year old boy escapes a Communist concentration camp in Bulgaria, where he has lived most of his life. Venturing out into a world he knows little about, he struggles as he makes his way to Denmark.

2 2/3 stars — DVD

Flash Movie Review: Taking Shelter

Brilliant acting from Michael Shannon as he portrays a father/husband who has visions of impending doom. He struggles whether he should save his family or save his family from himself. At the moment I think the Oscar race is between him and Ryan Gosling in Drive. Playing his wife, Jessica Chastain was wonderful.

3 1/2 stars

Flash Movie Review: 50/50

One of the best examples of blending sadness and humor in one story line. Great dialogue along with solid acting from all the main characters. Adam, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, has to deal with a diagnoses of a cancerous tumor on his spine. You may be thinking that this movie is going to be a downer, but you would be wrong.  Loved Anjelica Huston as Adam’s mother.

3 1/2 stars