Flash Movie Review: Is Anybody There?

As a small child I thought my grandmother was a magician. My cousins and I would squeal with laughter when she would pop her teeth out of her mouth. We did not realize she had false teeth. With my grandfather, I remember how much he enjoyed playing checkers; always ready whenever I would ask him to play with me. These special times are what I prefer remembering than my grandmother’s final years in a nursing home. This touching movie’s story was centered at a home for the elderly, in a small English town. Bill Milner (Son of Rambow, X-Men: First Class) played Edward, the owners’ son who had to give up his bedroom to accommodate a new elderly patient to the home. Surrounded by only old residents, Edward was fascinated with death, especially the minutes immediately following. The demands of the home weighed on his mum and dad, played by Anne-Marie Duff (Nowhere Boy, The Last Station) and David Morrissey (The Other Boleyn Girl, The Reaping), allowing for little family time. Edward’s life would change when retired magician Clarence, played by Michael Caine (Sleuth, The Prestige) arrived at the home. The two would form an unusual bond where one looked only to the future, while the other to the past. Michael Caine showed his acting range with this colorful character. Set in the 1980’s, I enjoyed the look of the movie and appreciated the acting skills from the main characters. The residents of the home and their tales were secondary, used more as a vehicle to move the story forward. There were some scenes that did not ring true for me; they felt out of place. However, with Michael’s and Bill’s wonderful performances the movie was worth watching. If for nothing else than to be reminded that lessons taught can be multigenerational. Brief scene with blood.


2 1/2 stars — DVD

About moviejoltz

From a long line of movie afficionados, one brother was the #1 renter of movies in the country with Blockbuster, I am following in the same traditions that came before me. To balance out the long hours seated in dark movie theaters, I also teach yoga and cycling. For the past 3 years, I have correctly picked the major Oscar winners... so join me as we explore the wonder of movies and search for that perfect 4 star movie.

Posted on November 8, 2012, in Drama and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. This looks like a movie well worth the money spent to go and watch it 😉

  2. It was a great pleasure reading your reviews this Saturday morning. It was fun, but also, I love the little pieces about your life you weave into your review. The story about your grandmother is priceless! Keep up the great work and insights. Cheers.

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