About moviejoltz

From a long line of movie afficionados, one brother was the #1 renter of movies in the country with Blockbuster, I am following in the same traditions that came before me. To balance out the long hours seated in dark movie theaters, I also teach yoga and cycling. For the past 3 years, I have correctly picked the major Oscar winners… so join me as we discover the magic of movies and search for that 4 star movie.

Jordan Moltz

  1. I’m so proud of you! I just posted this to my Facebook page and encouraged 300 plus folks to check it out.

  2. Great site!

  3. Looks great! I’m glad you did this!!

  4. What a wonderful site! We’re so happy for you.

    Steve Jacobs & John LeBedda

  5. Roger Ebert, move over!!

  6. Love the reviews on documentaries.

  7. Thanks for your visit to The Nutrition Doctor is In the Kitchen & the like on my fajita post. I appreciate it! Enjoy the movie-viewing and writing… Cheers, PKN

  8. My pleasure to join you and thank you for your visit!

  9. Hey thanks for the like, you have a cool blog.

  10. Such an awesome blog!
    And thankyou for stopping by my blog! 🙂

  11. My fav movie is Dr Zhivago and also liked the same period piece Nicholas and Alexandra. I have built every WW 1 model airplane available so naturally liked Flyboys very much. Been to only a few movies over the last years but every time I go I tell myself I must do this more often. Thanks visit my blog.

  12. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Yoga and cycling? That’s just great.
    Oh, once did yoga, upon a time. You must be very fit, as I remember sweating HEAPS.
    I’m impressed with your movie knowledge (picking the Oscars)

  13. I do yoga and indoor and outdoor cycling too. Love it! Thanks for stopping by and appreciating my blog. 🙂

  14. thanks for finding your way to my India Journal Blog and liking my recent post. And thanks for bringing me here. I am always looking for good films to download to my computer, since I watch lots of them during my yearly sojourns in India, and now I have some place to come to for information and recommendations and other things of interest. Nice about the yoga….I’ve been doing yoga for about 40 years. 🙂 Hope to see you around during my upcoming adventures, or have you check out 5 years of previous trips and photos. Will be following you as well.
    with love light and JOY

  15. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog

  16. Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my recent post on my blog. I look forward to checking out yours! Cycling is one of my favorite things to do for exercise….besides chasing kids around 🙂

  17. I look forward to reading more of your reviews–I’ve been going to school and haven’t had much time for movies, but I intend to remedy that situation as soon as I graduate in December! Thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know you liked it…and for leaving a ‘breadcrumb trail’ for me so I could discover yours.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog to like a post! I will know where to go for movie reviews now!

  19. I’m so glad you stopped by my blog! I was looking for a blog like yours… and now I’ve found one. 🙂

  20. I am glad that you drew my attention by stoping by my blog. I am a film nut!!! I have read a number of your reviews and I am impressed. They are though provoking and interesting! You have a great sight here and I have a feeling I will be a regular visitor 🙂 Nice to meet you!

  21. in contrast to your life, i have lived without a television for over a dozen years, and i cannot tell you the last time i went to a movie theater! my life is full, though i do miss a good movie!
    thanks so much for visiting my blog. i have enjoyed reading some of the reviews and look forward to reading more and catching up!

  22. Hi Moviejoltz, This is a great site. Thank you for liking my poem ‘Victorian house. Best Wishes, The Foureyed Poet.

  23. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blig and liking my post…. I am not a huge Hollywood movie buff but definitely can relate to yoga… Meditation actually…

  24. THANKS for visiting my “pun-ny” photoblog and leaving a “like.” I’ve GOT to come back here whern I’ve got time to savor your reviews.
    –John R.: http://TheDailyGraff.com

  25. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and liking my photo.

  26. Great site, great reviews, I’ll be visiting back regular.

  27. Hi thanks for checking out my blog!
    I love movies! xx

  28. Thanks for visiting the blog and “liking” that post! Stop by again anytime . . .

  29. Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours looks interesting. Looking forward to your posts. 🙂

  30. I have no idea how you found and liked my blog on polyamory, but I’m glad you did. I’m a total movie nut and your reviews are wonderful. Thanks for popping up so I could find this blog!

  31. Thank you for stoping to my blog. You’ve a very nice and interesting blog 😀

  32. Thanks for liking my blog post! I am a movie fanatic myself so look forward to reading your posts in the future…

  33. Sounds like you have a nice balance of indoor outdoor fun. Thank You for your movie reviews it’s nice to get another opinion on what to watch.

  34. You have quite a nice blog of reviews here. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  35. Oh. . here i found such a nice movie blog 🙂 i have visited your last 4 to 5 posts , among of them , I’ve just watched only ” The town ” & surely that movie is up to mark . & thanks for stopping by at my world also 🙂

    Happy blogging . Nirav / India .

  36. REALLY love your blog, very glad I found it!

  37. I am so going to pick your brain right before my family’s annual Oscar party.

  38. Thank you for stopping by my blog! So, what do you think about the 007 movie ‘Skyfall’? 🙂

  39. I hope you’ll write reviews of Skyfall and Cloud Atlas. 😀

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment. I already reviewed Cloud Atlas on October 28th; feel free to take a look either by date or use the search engine on my site. Luckily Skyfall opens here this weekend, so my review will be forthcoming.

  40. Thank you for stopping by our blog and liking my post. A movie review blog … what a brilliant idea!

  41. Hi. Thank you for visiting my blog today and clicking on the “Like” button in my latest blog post. Your blog is informative and interesting–keep up the good work you’re doing here. I hope to hear from you again soon. Cheers!

  42. Have you ever reviewed the movie “Ink”? It’s a Denver based indie film. It claims it’s the most pirated film in history, ever. I love film but I never had a favorite film until that film. (Get it on Netflix.)

    • Thank you for the suggestion; I have it marked down to get this film and watch it. Also, I appreciate you stopping by my blog. The best to you with your great posting.

  43. Love it. I miss movies. I used to watch a lot more than I do now. I think somewhere along the way I got bored with the lack of story or originality or desire to be anything more than it was. Thank you for reminding me that that there are still good stories – even if you have to search a little harder to find them.

    PS – Thanks for stopping by my blog. That was mighty kind of you. Cheers!

    • I agree with you, there are many movies that seem as if they were just thrown together to make a buck. But when I find a movie that takes me away, it all makes it worth it. I hope I continue to surprise you with some of my choices. Please keep going with your fun blog, I enjoyed visiting it.

  44. Hello! Thank you for visiting my page.

  45. Very good blog with a lot of vital films information, thank you by the way for visiting mine and for the like in my last post, best wishes

  46. Thanks for stopping by and liking my art.

    Great blog you’ve go going here, interesting reviews, except I do not agree with your review of Skyfall. : )

    Fictional characters are supposed to be timeless, they’re not supposed to age and change. “Bond” has to be portrayed the way Ian Flemmings created him (does anyone even remember?). The biggest failure of the movie was this: it is almost a tradition for a Bond movie to induce “awe” and “wonder” in the viewer, whether achieved through highly futuristic tech, a plot of unimaginable proportions or grandoise sets. Skyfall totally lacks any of these elements, except for the scenes filmed in Shanghai, where the awe-inspiring element was the city itself and the brilliant camera-work.

    Having said that, if Skyfall were a non-Bond movie, its an excellent movie with solid performances and a good storyline, it just does’nt suit as a “Bond” movie.

  47. I love Movies!!! I’m glad I found your site. This would help me much to decide if I’ll spend money in the cinema or just wait for it released in dvd to rent it out.

  48. Thanks so much for checking out my website. I will definetly be searching through your website before I jump into the movie theatre seat. Nothing is worse than eating great popcorn to an awful movie!

  49. Great reviews! Thank you for the like on my poem 🙂

  50. Yeah! I just love movies… Thanks for stopping by.

  51. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking “Happy Thanksgiving”. Please stop by again soon!

  52. thanks for the visit and liking a post.

  53. Thank you for liking http://nxtgengadgets.com and bringing us to your wonderful webpage.

    Keep on visiting often to get your daily dose of technology 🙂

  54. I want to let you know I have nominated you for the Blogger Idol Award. It’s like American Idol but without Simon. Also, there is no competition. Also, you don’t have to sing.

    Congratulations! I enjoy your blog!

    • I forgot to mention that if you would like to see your nomination, go to my Awards Showcase and scroll down to the Blogger Idol.

  55. Thanks like your About moviejoltz moviejoltz

  56. Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch

  57. Thanks for checking out my blog. You have some great reviews, I will have to continue to follow yours. 🙂

  58. Thank you for visiting my blog. You’ve got a great blog, I like your reviews and looking forward to more of your posts. Thanks again, Mary

  59. Thanks for liking my blog post–and for giving me a great site to check out movies!

  60. I watch very, very few movies. Your blog is very helpful and maybe I’ll watch more know. Thank you for visiting.

  61. Love your movie reviews. I too write reviews but love your approach: from the entertainment value vs. critical value. Will be following for more entertainment – thank you.

  62. Thanks for liking my recent posts on “metamusicftlom.com”. Hope too see you there soon again and thanks for letting us read your inspired postings here on your blog. I’m also a huge fan of movies, watching as many of them as I can manage. I will surely pop in here now and then for a great hint on what to look for. 🙂

  63. I don’t spend too much time watching, very much more in reading and writing, but there’s no denying that there have been some heart tugging movies over the years. Enjoy your passion.

  64. Great blog! Thanks for putting such interesting stuff together for all of us. 🙂

  65. Nice……and Merry Christmas.

  66. notedinnashville

    I have nominated you for a Leibster Award at http://notedinnashville.com/2012/12/26/liebster-award/.

    If you don’t wish to accept the award, just let the offer dissolve into the World Wide Web. I’ll still be your blogging buddy. -Anita

    • Thank you for the nomination; I am touched by it. You will have to excuse me but I am close to being a total computer illiterate and have no idea how to follow the instructions on your site. Again, thank you.

      • notedinnashville

        You’re very welcome. I am a huge lover of movies, and I enjoy reading your recommendations and reviews – for both the new and the classics!

        If you are interested, I’ll be happy to help you through the process. You can right click on the Liebster Award icon, copy, and paste it to your post. Then, just answer the 10 questions at the bottom of my post here: http://notedinnashville.com/2012/12/26/liebster-award/. And come up with new questions for people you’d like to pass the award to.

        If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. If you choose not to put yourself through it, I’ll understand that too. 🙂

        Thank you for visiting my blog!

  67. Congratulations on your award…and the nice blog! Looking forward to your movie reviews. Thanks for stopping by Home and The Range and I hope you’ll visit again soon! Blessings to you!

  68. Thanks for liking my post “Written in stone”. I look forward to checking out your reviews.

  69. Thank you for dropping by my blog and liking it so that I can discover yours! I love movies! Always searching for a good one to watch. You have such a great site over here. expect me to drop by often!

  70. Howdy and thank you for stopping by my page at http://www.midihideaways.wordpress.com – love the idea behind yours and will be sure to check out the latest films. We do get some of the latest in original language (i.e. not dubbed in French) and it’s always wonderful to see a good movie!

  71. I’m a total movie nut. I’m one of the crazies who goes to the Toronto International Film Festival and sees 50 movies in 10 days. Can’t wait to ‘follow along’. Happy New Year. Here’s to a new year full of great movies.

    • Thank you for your comments. You describe a slice of heaven regarding your movie marathon at the Toronto International Film Festival. Happy new year to you and a happy Oscar season.

  72. I don’t read many reviews, but I think I am going to enjoy and make use of yours

  73. Thanks for checking out my blog and my recent Homemade Quesadillas! Definitely will be coming back to your blog before paying those outrageous movie theater prices these days!!


  74. Hi, I just wanted to drop by and say thanks so much for the recent like! Yoga and cycling are definitely interesting ways to balance out spending a lot of time in theaters. My husband actually works as crew in film quite a bit, usually as a script supervisor so he’s a joy to watch movies with at home (“that woman’s pants leg was an inch shorter when they started crossing the river, it should be wet and it’s dry!”). I’m thinking your reviews would probably help rule out which flicks to not even bother watching up to the point of characters crossing rivers. 🙂

  75. I love your blog….keeps me up to date…:)

  76. Thanks for liking my post about Jakarta, moviejoltz! Have you visited that city before, or viewed any Indonesian movies?
    I saw one called Mengejar Matahari (meaning Chasing the Sun) at either the Freer or Sackler gallery in DC in 2004.It was about the misadventures of a few youths in Jakarta- but that’s really all I remember.

    • Well let me thank you for stopping by to leave your comments. I have not visited the city, but I have seen a couple of films. I cannot remember the titles off the top of my mind and I do not think I have reviewed them yet. Happy Oscar season to you.

  77. Blockbuster’s #1 customer? That is pretty impressive. (>^-‘)>

  78. Thanks for visiting my site and the like, I stumbled upon your blog through that. You have a great blog here! Am following it! All the best!

  79. Great, honest & witty reviews, enjoyed reading Texas Chainsaw!! My Favourite review however is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Brings back some fantastic whimsical memories, Instantly smile when I think of this classic 🙂 Certainly will follow you now!
    P.S Maybe take a look at the new release of Carrie?! I have a feeling that it maybe ever so slightly predicable?! What happened to good gore these days?
    All the best, Laura

    • Thank you so much for your kind words; I appreciate it deeply. I posted a review of the original Carrie and I cannot imagine the new one will be better. Happy Oscar season to you Laura.

  80. Thanks for stopping by and liking an article on my fledgling blog, with a nostalgia theme. I have already referenced a few movies and will many more as they have an important place in my life. I shall return an delve into what seems a very interesting blog.

  81. Wowzers – I have an 18yr old aspiring movie director – aka my son – who would love to read your blog! Thank you so much for checking mine out. He just received his EW Oscar issue and is beginning to pick his choices. I am going to forward your blog over to him:) By the way, have you seen Fun with Dick and Jane – the Jim Carrey release? My son just completed an assignment for a class he is taking in school where he had to take a particular genre of film and revamp to a totally different genre. If you check out youtube – Fun with Dick and Jane as a drama trailer, you can see his work. I am still trying to get a handle on the whole blogging hing – I hope to some day post it for him:)

    Thanks – kimberly

    • Thank you for your comments Kimberly. May I wish your son the best of luck in his studies. It has been some years since I saw Fun with Dick and Jane and I love the idea of revamping it; I will check it out. Trust me when I say the blogging thing gets easier the more often one does it. And this is from a non computer person. Keep going at it. Happy Oscar season.

  82. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following yours. I used to love going to the movies but it got too annoying to go the movie theater and deal with the crowds. Needless to say, Netflix has become my best friend 🙂

    I look forward to your future movie reviews.

    Happy blogging!

    Nancy L.

    • Thank you Nancy and I understand completely about the movie theater experience not being what it used to be with the rudeness of people. Like you I enjoy my movie queue. Happy Oscar season to you.

  83. Movies, yoga, and cycling– that makes you one of the most unique triple threats I’ve encountered! Wishing you all the best, sir! : )

  84. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the “like” on my recent post. I appreciate it very much.

    I’m looking forward to following your blog and learning about some great movies — as well as what to avoid wasting my limited movie viewing time on.

  85. Nice blog. I just created one, as well; check it out if you get a chance. Will be looking forward to reading your upcoming reviews! 🙂

  86. Thank you for stopping by and reading I look forward to reading some of your reviews and finding some good films to watch 🙂

  87. On the eve of Oscar, Richard the Third rises … !
    Olivier is smiling.

    Was there any Classics this year? Or does time only tell that story …

    Great site.

    • Thanks for your comments. I like the Richard III shout out; the last monarch to have died in battle. Time creates classics in my opinion; hopefully one of the movies in my favorite 2012 movies post will make it.

  88. Hola!: I am a fan of your blog and would like to nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. If you wish to accept (and I won’t be offended if you don’t) here are the rules: 1) display the award logo, 2) link back to the person giving the award, 3) state 7 things about you, 4) list 15 blogs that you wish to nominate, 5) notify these bloggers of the award and the rules. Go here to see the person that awarded me: http://agringoslifeincusco.wordpress.com/ HAPPY BLOGGING

  89. Thank you for the ‘like’ on my blog, as I was able to discover yours. I’m a big movie buff and always, tweeting about one movie or another. I’m currently creating my first list of my personal top favorite 20 movies of all time. Hopefully one day I can have the patience create the my personal 100 favorites. But until then, when I can find that time, I’m sticking to 20. Once I post it, I’ll you know.

    You have now a loyal follower to your blog.

  90. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my photo! I appreciate it very much. I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews and look forward to following your posts. 😀

  91. I love yoga and cycling! A must if one spends a lot of time in front of the TV. If you find the perfect 4-star movie, let me know. I, too, am still looking! (Although my taste is somewhat limited. I hate scary stuff, and gore. :P)

    • I can only imagine if I did not teach yoga and cycling, there would be a good chance I eventually would not be able to fit into the movie seat. Off the top of my head two movies I gave 4 stars to were Argo and Zero Dark Thirty.

  92. Totally love your blog..Very unique and helpful in a way..! Great job sir..! =)

  93. Movies, yoga, and cycling! Sounds like a good life.

  94. AnElephantCant think of anything clever to say
    This happens time after time
    But he wants you to know
    That he likes you and so
    He says hello with this silly rhyme

    • Thank you, your poem was quite sweet; I imagine it was no small feat. In college I had one poetry class; the teacher was a real gas. His published works we would read; they were such a treat indeed.

  95. I have no idea how you found my blog, but thank you for stopping by and liking! I am a cineast by heart and soul, but don’t go that often nowadays. I do try to keep up, though. I will check out your reviews and most certainly will be back!

    • Thank you for leaving a comment. I understand one has to pick and choose what they wish to see on the big screen. Here I try to alternate reviews between what is playing at the movie theaters and what I have seen on DVD. Hopefully with today being the 1st day in a new Oscar season, I can review some movies that will surprise you.

  96. Thanks for liking my blog. Since I’m always wanting to hear opinions about movies, your blog appears the perfect answer!

  97. I love what you’re doing here. I just heard about Bless Me, Ultima on Tuesday and it’s definitely a film I’d like to see. You’re a wealth of information about movies. Looking forward to reading what you’ll review next.

  98. Thank you for visiting my place. 🙂

  99. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post on Helicopter Parenting. I look forward to checking out your site. I love movies as well, so this is perfect .

  100. Thank you for stopping by Malcolm’s Corner and liking ‘Laughing at Cancer’.

  101. Thanks for your like today. Your site is a great service.

  102. Thanks for your “like” of my post, “What if…” I’m looking forward to exploring your blog 🙂

  103. Sounds like you’re having fun with blogging! Thanks for the “like” today. We’re huge fans of old classic movies. I think we live in the 50s and before. 🙂 Take care.

    • Thank you so much for stopping by to leave your comments. When I can I try to review the older classic movies. I am not only having fun but I love doing this more now than when I started over 1 year ago. Be well.

  104. Thanks for visiting and liking my most recent post on “Musings of a Horse Mom.” … Are there any movies genres you won’t watch? … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

    • Let me thank you for stopping by and leaving your comments. I am not a fan of slasher type films. Since I started my blog I have had to expand my viewing choices to provide reviews for the variety of readers. Take care and keep on blogging.

  105. Thanks for liking one of my blog posts on! I really appreciate it.I LOVE movies with a passion and sometimes I like to blog quotes that really touch my heart or make me laugh.

  106. Thanks for liking and interesting on my blog. I’ll keep one eye on yours.

  107. Thank you for the like, it’s very encouraging.


  108. Thanks for stopping by liking my post. I like what I’ve read here and can’t wait to check out more of your posts.

  109. Thanks for popping in today…I’ll be looking at your posts with interest…especially the older ones…we get movies 6 months to a year after release in the U.S. 😉

  110. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking a post. I am an avid fan of anything to do with the movies. I think I will love to visit your blog on a regular basis. Thank you once again.

  111. Hi! You may not want to pass this on and that’s ok, but I’ve nominated you to a Versatile Blogger Award!

  112. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  113. Thanks for stopping by MyAtheistLife, you have an interesting blog. Subbed

  114. Cool Site! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post – I look forward to reading reviews!

  115. I look forward to reading your posts. I hope after your reviews I won’t be wasting time at the movies, which of late, I rarely go due to time constraints. Thanks for liking my poem, otherwise, I wouldn’t have found your blog!


  117. What are your all time top three favorite movies?

    • Hi Doug, I have so many I am not sure I can narrow it down to just 3. Here are a few of my favorites: Arsenic & Old Lace; The Philadelphia Story; Hugo; The King’s Speech; A Separation and The Devil’s Double. Thanks for leaving your question.

  118. Pleasure to meet you and thank you for visiting our little corner of the world!!!! I am a big movie buff, so your blog will be perfect for me!!!!

  119. Thank you for stopping by our blog, much appreciated. You have an impressive collection of movie reviews. We will enjoy this very much. Have a great week.

  120. Thank you for liking my blog I’m just curious about how/why? Mainly it is people that know me via twitter who read my musings 🙂

    • Hi nice to meet you. I consider myself still a novice so I am fascinated with the variety of blogs “out there.” Your cover picture caught my eye and allowed me to enjoy your blog. I am curious that you are getting most of your contacts through Twitter. It is few and far between that I get contact through it. I appreciate you stopping by and keep up the posting.

  121. Thanks for dropping by my blog! What I do seems a far cry from what you do so it is always interesting to me to see how people find different things on this huge thing called the internet! Best to you.

    • Please let me thank you. To this day I am still amazed at the variety and passion on display when I visit other bloggers. They say music is the universal language, which I agree with. But I think there is something to be said for all of us who blog. Thanks for coming by my site.

  122. Great blog, I don’t have much time for movies but reading about them helps me pick which ones to watch. Thanks for checking out Life Is Like A Dumpling!

    • Hi there and thanks for stopping by. I hope you can avoid wasting your time and money at the theater by discovering which films to see from my reviews. Keep up the fun postings.

  123. Thanks for visiting my blog the last hours. I looked at your blog and it is great.
    Keep Posting Mr. and thanks for visiting my blog. hehe!!

  124. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts – I appreciate it! It’s cool that you’ve picked the major Oscar winners for the past three years. I love movies, but my husband and I are lazy about going to the movies. I don’t know why. Whenever we actually do go to the movies we have so much fun, but then we wait a long time before going again.

    I also think it’s wonderful that you teach yoga. I’m interested in yoga, and have read several books on it, but I’ve never taken a class. I’d like to one of these days. Celeste:)

    • HI Celeste, It is so nice to meet you and thanks for leaving your comments. May my reviews entice you and your husband to go out more to the movies; think of it as a date night. Plus, notice I indicate movies I have seen at home by writing DVD after the stars.

      As for the yoga class, please let me share with you my philosophy: I hope I never have to look back at mh life and say “I wonder what would have happened if I would have…” Go ahead and give it a try, I will be here if you need me. Be well.

  125. I love your philosophy! It’s just that there are so many things I want to try that I never know what to choose! I appreciate the offer to help with yoga – that’s very kind. Celeste:)

  126. You correctly picked the Oscar Winners??? Maybe for next years you can give me your tips so I can win the pot. Thanks for dropping by “Honey.”

    • All I have to tell you is keep your eye on the movies I review. By the time the Oscars come around, you will have a good idea before I come out with my list. Thanks for coming by.

  127. Thanks for visiting, I never would have found you.
    I’m following you now…

  128. Thank you for following and dropping by at my blog. Interesting Movie Review. Love to hear more from now on.

  129. Thanks for visiting my blog. Maybe your experience can save me some money, by knowing what to avoid. 🙂

  130. Thanks for visiting Riverwatchreturns.com
    I think your site is beautifully presented and has just the right amount and balance of views, opinions and facts. I shall return.

  131. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. Can’t help going through your blogs- am a movie addict and your reviews are good references! 🙂

  132. Thank you for liking my video ‘Circle Baby to Sleep’, your future visits and likes. Hope you enjoy 🙂

  133. Saved 2 the Utmost aka Mom

    Hi there, nice to meet you! You stopped by and liked my most recent post so naturally I followed the link to say, “Thank you!” I’m not a movie-goer or dvd renter; I tend to fall asleep more often than not so I don’t waste money on either. However, that being said, my daughter will, on occasion, drag me to a movie and cover the cost or rent a movie and make me watch it (the things a mother won’t do) so I’ll tell her all about your site and hopefully she’ll make good use of your reviews. 🙂 Be blessed and please do keep visiting!

    Ma Chris

    • Nice to meet you as well Ma Chris. It is very sweet of you to keep your daughter company at the movie theater. Hopefully through my reviews I can direct the two of you to a movie that will keep you awake…and maybe even surprise you. Keep up blogging and spreading good cheer. Good health and happiness to you; thank you for your comments.

  134. I appreciate you stopping by my blog and for the like. You have a great concept here. I’ve only read a few of your reviews thus far, but I love how you incorporate your reflective thoughts and personal experiences as a prelude to your reviews. There’s a sense of vulnerability which I see as courageous; and encapsulates a connection that represents what many people want to experience when they watch a movie. Your reviews not only give the reader an opportunity to get to know a little about your essence, but creates an enthusiasm to watch the movies you recommend. A winning combination. Bravo.

    • I don’t know where to begin except to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your comments came at the perfect time since someone recently told me I am not writing movie reviews. I am thrilled you see where I am coming from and look forward to continuing this journey. Once again thank you for giving me the confidence that was recently wavering.

  135. Thanks for the ‘like’ on our new writer post on Let There Be Movies. I hope you like what you read there from us as I am liking what I read here. I dig how you give a bit of a personal spin related to each movie before you give your take on it. Pretty cool!

  136. Hi , hello and thank you for dropping by my blog, do feel free to drop in any time!!

  137. Thank you for the visit! 😀

  138. Very neat blog! I am interested in reading your flash movie reviews. I enjoy the old movies a lot. My husband and I take old movies to my mother-in-law’s house on the weekends to watch with her. It’s a lot of fun to watch old movies. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for liking one of my posts. I see that you also teach yoga – it’s quite an amazing and rewarding experience.

    • Hello to my fellow yoga instructor. Doesn’t it really balance out one’s life; at least it does for me. Thank you for your comments and how sweet to sit and watch a movie at your mother-in-law’s house. I hope I can surprise you with a few film gems, old and new.

  139. nice to meet you and thank you so much for stopping by 🙂

  140. Got Your Holiday On??

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I absolutely love movies and will watch for new info on your blog often. Thanks again.

  141. I love your blogs, your photos are very beautiful. I’ll be back… I also have a second blog on old pictures.
    SENSUALITE | La beauté à l’état pure

  142. Good day
    Nice picture of you I think.
    I thank you for your loving visit with me and still have fun on my pages.
    I’ll subscribe you so I can see what you post anything nice.
    For me it is to discover many interesting
    I wish you a beautiful Sonntag.Herzlichste greetings sends friends Andrea

  143. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my “Painting and Poem.” I’ve enjoyed reading some of your reviews. I told a coworker the other day how much I enjoy going to the movies as well as watching movies on DVD. Since I’ve been on my spiritual journey, I view movies more than for entertainment. I haven’t seen any of the movies you’ve recently posted about. Have you seen “42” (Jackie Robinson Story) or “Love Is All You Need?” Those are the two most recent I’ve seen and recommend both. Pam

    • Hello Pam and thank you for leaving your comments. As you may have guessed, movies are therapeutic for me, besides being entertaining. I did see 42 and Love is All you Need, gave them both good reviews. May your journey continue with light and love.

  144. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy movies, how they can transport one’s mind to a different place and time, if only for a little while.

  145. Thanks for visiting my blog and all the best to you for yours!

  146. Johnny Ojanpera

    What a great site. Thanks for stopping by my spot! 🙂

  147. Thanks for liking one of my comics. As you’re American, maybe you’ll like more the English version of “Sous nos Couettes” : “Tails from Paris” – http://tailsfromparis.wordpress.com/.

    Have a great day.

    With my best,

  148. Thanks for the like! I just read the Lone Ranger review…that bad, huh? 🙂

  149. Thank you for visiting my blog Arthiker. I greatly appreciate your like on my post Symbolism in the silence http://arthiker.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/symbolism-in-the-silence/ Hope to see you again. Each my post starts with the original artwork which talks better than my struggling with the foreign language. Hope you will enjoy that my online art gallery and have a good time.

    • Thank you Tomas for stopping by to leave your comments. I am enjoying this journey of blogging, discovering that we really have few differences between all of us around the world. You have beautiful artwork by the way.

  150. Thank you for stopping by Lessons by Heart to meet Hairy! I doubt his story will ever become a movie, though! 🙂

    Praising Jesus!

  151. Thanks for visiting my blog! I find this place very interesting cause I like movies.
    My preferite director is Peter Grenaway, also Bergman… I love french movies.
    I’ll come soon.

  152. hey there.. my father was the one who influenced us to check movies out.. he made us watch great movies when we were kids.. but the movie renting stopped now.. however, i still watch random movies from movie channels and end up loving more.. (monster in paris, extremely loud,incredibly close, temple gradin, my sister’s keeper, i am sam.. these are just some of my recently watched movies..) and by the way, thanks for liking my post in my blog.. really appreciated it.. hope you can comment too.. =)

    • Kudos to your Dad for exposing you to the magic of movies. I see you have a good eye based on your movie examples in your comments. Thanks for coming by to leave your comments, I appreciate it. You have a great site by the way. Be well and keep posting.

  153. thanks for liking my WP photo challenge – fresh
    Perhaps we’ll meet again…

  154. I rarely get to moves.. I live in a very, very tiny town with no theater, and the closet town to me is small and also has none. So it’s a 75+ mile round-trip for me to go to a theater.
    I have no TV so no Netflicks – but that may change soon! Thanks.

    • With technology changing so fast I am sure there will soon be alternatives for how we watch movies and television shows. I want to let you know that I also post DVD reviews on my site, so keep your eyes open for them. Thanks again for the comments.

  155. What fun! Glad to know you are here. PEACE-

  156. Hi! Thanks for coming by my blog. I hadn’t seen yours before, and it’s going to be very helpful! My husband and I watch a lot of movies, especially on DVD and Netflix, and we have a hard time finding things we will both enjoy, but your reviews seem to really transmit a sense of the mood of a film, and that is information we can really use to pick our next movie! Thanks.

    • Thank you so much for coming by to leave your comments. It is good to hear you share movie time with your husband and I wanted to let you know that there are reviews of films on DVD here. Tonight is one example; I list DVD after the star rating. Hopefully you will find some hidden treasures here to enjoy. Keep up the wonderful postings Andrea. Take care.

  157. Thank you for the visit. I like old movies and short foreign films if and when I have a chance to see them!

    • Please, let me thank you for coming by to leave your comments. I try mixing up my reviews from all genres, old and new.

      • Some years ago we saw ‘Eat, Drink, Man, Woman’, a delightful, heart-warming foreign film. You should see it if you haven’t yet done so. I only watch old films on cable TV now. Good movies are far and few between? these days, in my opinion. There’s always some sex or violence, poorly written scripts these days.

  158. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m going to enjoy following your movie reviews. I don’t often get to the movie theatre, but I watch lots and lots of movies on Netflix. It will be interesting to see how you do with the Oscars this year.

    • Thank you for coming by and leaving your comments. I include DVD reviews which I show by putting “DVD” after the star ratings. Hopefully, I can surprise you with a few hidden treasures. Be well.

  159. Thank you for visiting my page! 🙂

  160. Thanks for visiting my blog and allowing me to find yours. I look forward to following it.

  161. Thank you for visiting my blog, Elaine’s Random Thoughts a while back. Sorry it took me so long to thank you! I’m not a big moviegoer but I do enjoy going to them occasionally and on dvd at home from time to time. Nice to check out your blog for reviews. It will be very helpful I am sure! I am now following you. 🙂

    • Please, there is no need to apologize. I like to tell people when it is appropriate to save their apology for an important time. Also, I want to point out I do include DVD reviews between the current reviews. After the star rating I put DVD next to it. Thank you so much for coming by, I appreciate it.

  162. Hi 🙂
    Thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂
    You have a very nice blog.

  163. Hi moviejoltz, nice to meet you. What a great blog. So many movies, so little time. But my world is about travelling – so many countries, so little time, so I catch up on movies on those loooong flights. Don’t like anything dark/horrific/psychotic/scary (and I scare pretty easy) so by choice my choice is limited. It’s all good. On a ten to twelve hour flight I’ll watch 5 movies. It keeps me sane 🙂
    Thanks for visiting our blog, and for the ‘like’ on the Nomadic Life post.

    • Hi Alison, Thank you so much for coming by to leave your kind words and comments. I so admire your ability to travel to different places in the world and glad you are posting about your experiences. A dream of mine growing up was to visit all 50 states; I have 3 of them left. Afterwards I hope to visit the national parks across the country while building up my list of foreign lands. Please notice when I review a DVD I will note it after the star rating. Hopefully you can find some hidden gems here that will keep you sane on the long flights. Good travels to you both; I can’t wait to hear about them.

  164. Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is very interesting!

  165. Thanks so much for your like on my steamed mussel post. Do give it a try… at least a glass of Evolution. Carmen Aida.

  166. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my latest post. I’m a movie buff myself and just saw The Butler. I would rate it about the same as you did. 🙂 Will definitely be back. Have a great day.

  167. Just thought I’d pop over and say thanks so much for liking my post on the Tamar Otter Centre. Really appreciated. As for movies, I think my favourite remains “Local Hero” though it is somewhat dated now. MM 👍

  168. Hi moviejoltz,

    ¡Thanks you for the like! I’ve been watching your blog and I like it, so I’ll follow you 🙂


  169. Thanks for visiting my blog 😉
    Now I’ll enjoy yours, lovely btw!

  170. Hey there,
    thank you very much for giving me a sign of li(f/k)e on http://gammagamification.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/anybody-out-there/ 🙂 How are you? Do you have a blog entry about which movies you think everybody should have seen before dying? 🙂
    Have a great day,

    • Hi Chris and thank you for stopping by to leave your comments. You are doing very well with your posts, keep up the good work. At present, I do not have a post about what films a person should see before they die. After the Oscar nominations come out I do one post of what movies I think should win and another post of what will probably win. Take care.

  171. Hey there,
    looking forward to reading it 🙂 Can you think of writing a post about what films a person should see before they die for me? 😉
    Take care, too.

  172. Thank you for stopping by Kerri Chronicles, MovieJoltz. I look forward to getting to know you.

  173. Thanks for visiting and liking my post. I am movie illiterate! I love stories though and I do know tat some movies and actors tell them better than others:)

  174. Hi Jordan, Ive nominated you for the ‘Everyone Deserves an AWARD’. Please check the link http://mindlessinking.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/everyone-deserves-an-award/ …Happy Blogging!

  175. Thanks for the “like,” Mr. Moviejoltz. You are the first movie aficionado / reviewer to visit my blog. There is lots of footage on TV about Amish and Mennonites, my tradition, most of it sour and not authentic.

    • Well thank you for coming by to leave your comments. Since I rarely come in first in anything, I am somewhat excited that I am the first of my kind to come visit your site. lol Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  176. Thank you for stopping by. I guess these days Blockbuster is out and getting movies should be much easier and cheaper.

  177. Hello. I was recently presented with the Versatile Blogger Award, and was asked to nominate fifteen other bloggers.
    As much as I hate chain letters, I have regularly enjoyed reading and viewing your work and would like to show my appreciation by passing this award on to you.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one has been promised good fortune if they passed it on to fifteen others, or been threatened with catastrophe if they “broke the chain”.
    This is simply my acknowledgement of gratitude for the privilege of enjoying your blog and your creative impulses.
    Chazz Vincent

    The Versatile Blogger Award

  178. Thanks for stopping by my kitchen. Like your reviews.

  179. Thank you for finding my blog and being one of my friends… I will also enjoy reading your reviews… as long as they are not violent.. which seem to be quite rampant these days… do they truly believe in the end of the world… Can we not create a little more harmony and a few more love stories about our lives… Cheers Barbara

    • Hi Barbara, It is a pleasure meeting you. I agree with you about violence and what frightens me is the number of parents who bring their young children to R rated films that are full of killings and violence. It is as if they are training their children to become numb to the horrors of violence. Thank you for coming by to leave your comments, I appreciate it. Be well.

  180. I am so delighted that you left your mark on my blog and now I am redirected here to this movie mart!.
    Good job!
    I am going to hangout here after my exams are over 😉

  181. I am a movie lover (an an actress ). It’s good to meet you!

  182. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I had to come check you out…I love a man who loves the Oscars! However, for me? Its ALL about the prevew of the SHOES and the dresses,,the RED CARPET. THEN the winners. Thanks again~

    • Please let me thank you and it is good to hear you can appreciate a man and his Oscars. In my family the award telecast is a high holiday. Thanks again for coming by to leave your comments.

  183. Thanks for stopping by Geek Blogger UK – all the best!

  184. Keep doing the good work so I can talk like I watch all of the movies that come out 🙂

  185. Have you reviewed Hick, yet? I tried searching for it using your blogs search engine, but, as the first 5 results were totally not Hick, decided it probably wasn’t there. I’d be interested in your review, so I know whether our interests/opinions have much in common.

  186. Thanks for visiting our blog. What a wonderful resource you have created here. Thanks for sharing.

  187. I am so pleased to know about this site!

  188. Thank you so much for visiting my site and the like for my post. Absolutely love film and can’t wait to browse through your archives. The very kindest regards.

  189. Thanks for reading my blog, I invite you to follow it. I will follow your blog. beebeesworld

  190. I just saw your “Like” on my blog which is greatly appreciated. I am a big movie fan, too. I thought you might like this from my other blog. It is currently at R&R Auctions and will go up for auction next month. http://themysticalmansionandgarden.wordpress.com/the-madame-wanda-signature-collection-2/. I have much better photos than are on the blog if you are interested. You can contact me through my blog if you would like to see more photos.

    • Thank you for coming by to leave your comments. And thanks for the heads up on your other blog; I will go and check it out. I hope you find some movie treasures here, take care.

  191. Thank you for stopping by my blog and your support. Great blog. All the best 🙂

  192. I must say, I don’t look movies, either TV any longer, got enough years ago. But your blog looks very good.
    Thanks for your visit and like at my blog.

  193. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and liking the post.

    Your blog is pretty interesting and I can have a double check before watching any movies here.

    Have a nice day.

  194. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog..glad to have found yours 😊

  195. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s nice to have found a niche and something you really enjoy doing – congratulations.

  196. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I do not watch many movies….mostly I read. However I will check your blog to see what you predict, not that I will even know what movies you are talking about.:)

    • Thank you for coming by to leave your comments. And who knows maybe a film or DVD review will inspire you to see it or if it is based on a book, to read the book. A win win situation.

  197. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Blessings, Natalie 🙂

  198. Great blog! I appreciate the visit on my own blog. Glad to know of another source for movie reviews. I’ll be stopping by often to see what you have to say about the newest flicks.

    • Hey, thanks so much for coming by to leave your comments. I hope you will find some treasures among the reviews. Keep up the great blogging you are doing over at your site.

  199. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post, pleasure to come across your blog and its info on films. Great idea and have fun!

  200. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’d love to guess this year’s Oscar winners.

  201. Hi, thanks so much for liking my post “38 and 39 Christmas Music Favorites Count Down” and for stopping by my blog at: http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com. Your blog is amazing too. Have a blessed and Happy Holidays. Betty

  202. Hi! Glad you liked “The Cajun Equation!”. I appreciate it.

  203. Thanks for checking out my site. I love movies and look forward to reading your reviews. Happy 2014!

  204. Thanks for liking my post on suspending belief at the movies and the theater. Best of luck with your work. Yes, very sad about DeNiro, even Stallone. Haven’t seen the film because of the reviews, but in the right hands it could have made a great, serious drama.

  205. Very nice site. Will return to read more. Have a wonderful day and many thanx for visiting my blog.

  206. You have a great blog! I’m lookig forward to reading more movie reviews.

  207. One Day on Earth is the documentary name. Released 2011- Brian

  208. Hello and Congratulations. I’ve nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Please go to this post here: http://nakednerves.wordpress.com/2014/01/19/314/ to learn more about it and decide if you want accept it or not. In any event I congratulate you for your great work.
    Naked Nerves

  209. Thanks for the like on our Wolf Of Wall Street review on moviescramble. You have a great blog with a huge variety of films genres. Now following you.



    • Hi John, Thank you for coming by to leave your comments. Hopefully I will surprise you with a couple of movie treasures, thanks for following and keep up your excellent site.

  210. Gracias por pasarte por mi blog!
    Un abrazo y ahora empezaré a descubrir el tuyo…

  211. Have you seen and written about The Act of Killing? I looked and couldn’t find it. Best!

  212. Thank you for reading my blog and liking it. I’m subscribing to your blog because I love movies and reading about them.

    • It is very sweet of you Patricia and it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow movie lover. I hope I will surprise you with some hidden treasures. Thank you and keep up your wonderful blog.

  213. Hi there 🙂

    I have only started following your blog quite recently but I have really enjoyed your reviews and I am looking forward to seeing how your oscar predictions pan out! 🙂

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award 🙂

    You can find all of the info here:

    The Sunshine Award!

    Steph 🙂

  214. Thank you for stopping by and the “like” for my post about trying to stop smoking. Come back tomorrow for the success story! You’re obviously a success yourself. I see your Oscar predictions were right on the nose!

    • Thank you, I am even surprised on how well I did this year with the predictions. lol Let me congratulate you on your find blog and keep up your great job.

  215. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking a post!! I love yours–I haven’t stumbled on this niche in the blogging world yet, so am very excited to read more from you. My time is so limited now, and with two kids, I need to be judicious in what I, and we, choose to watch–I’ll be looking for your thoughts!! Thanks!

    • Well thank you so much for coming by to leave your comments. I hope through my reviews I can save you time and money, focusing only on which films would be worth going to see. Keep up your lovely blog and thanks again.

  216. Hey there!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking my post. It is really much appreciated. I love movies and followed your blog. Very interested to see more from you 🙂

    Have a great day, Mara

  217. As a huge movie enthusiast myself, I’m glad to have discovered your blog.

  218. I love movies…..lets hear what you have to say!!! haha
    Thank you for liking my post…


  219. I started to read your blog and words are not enough to tell you how captivated i felt with your writings. It’s like a magic world, a place where imagination, talent, passion are brought into the lives of your readers.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I’m honored that you liked my latest post and it’s motivating me to keep writing.
    Blessings and best wishes for you,

    • Hi Carissa and thank you for your beautiful and kind words, they are much appreciated. I am honored that my words have motivated you to keep writing, because your posts are just lovely and worth sharing with the world. Keep up the great work you are doing and thanks for coming by and leaving your comments.

  220. You have a nice balanced life: sitting watching movies and reviewing them and then stretching with yoga and getting your heart beat up with cycling:)

  221. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog. Been checking out your movie reviews … The Grand Budapest Hotel is one I hadn’t heard of and is now on my list. All the best, Diane

    • Hi Diane, Thank you for taking the time to come by and leave your comments. I am so happy I could surprise you with a hidden treasure. Enjoy watching this wonderful film.

  222. Hi there. I really love following your blog and reading all your posts. So, I’ve taken this opportunity to nominate you for the “Dragon’s Loyalty Award”. You can find the guidelines for accepting this award at http://cinesolace.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/i-won-the-dragons-loyalty-award/
    If you do accept blogging awards, please do accept this award as a token of the immense joy, satisfaction, and appreciation I get from following your blogs and reading your different posts. Your blogs are truly eloquent, informative, and succeed in making a connection with your readers. The other useful blogs your posts have directed me towards is another added incentive.
    I know that it takes a long time to complete the guidelines for accepting an award. So, if you don’t believe in accepting blogging awards, I totally understand. Any which way, it is and always shall be a pleasure following your blog.

  223. Hi there. Just wanted to take another opportunity to show my appreciation for your blog. So, I’ve nominated you for the “Liebster Award”. You can find the guidelines for accepting this award at http://cinesolace.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/i-won-the-liebster-award/
    Hope the love isn’t getting too suffocating now. 😀

  224. Hello Jordan! I love watching movies, especially going to the movie theaters, so I will check out your site. Thanks for liking my post Leaf Insect.
    Kind greetings,

  225. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the like! I really like your style of writing and your wit so I hit that ‘follow’ button!

    • Thank you so much for coming by to tell me. I hope I can surprise you from time to time and steer you clear of the films that would be a waste to spend your money on. Keep up your wonderful posts.

  226. It’s always great to meet fellow movie-adicts! 🙂
    Thanks for checking out my site, if you get a chance, I think you might get a kick out of this one: http://epikfails.com/2013/11/12/blockbuster-borders-and-bankruptcy/

    • HI Erik, it is great to meet you and welcome. Loved your post, thanks for sharing it with me. I hope I can surprise you with a few hidden treasures among my reviews. Thanks for coming by to leave your comments.

  227. Hello – Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really do appreciate it. Blessings in your blogging adventure. 😀
    cate b

  228. Every Academy awards my family sits down with our winners written down -We’re a touch competitive.

  229. Forgive me, I have a question. Did you ever review Tree of Life by Terrence Malick? I tried watching it the other night and had to switch it off. I am glad I never payed to see it ! Don’t get me wrong I admire Malick, I really loved The Thin Red Line and The New World, but Tree of Life, no way ! Any thoughts on it ?

    • Hi Robert, I saw Tree of Life but did not review it. It was a horrible film that you were so lucky you had the option to turn it off. I had to sit in a theater and wonder what the heck was I doing there. It was so excessive that I found it boring. Thanks for coming by.

  230. Thanks for visiting and liking my post!

  231. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you found my natural [and spiritual] approach to healing helpful.

    Have an awesome day!

  232. Thanks a lot for stopping by my blog…yoga and blogging. …hmmm interesting …gonna check out more of your site…

    • Thank you so much for coming by to leave your comments. Yes, it is an interesting combo of yoga, blogging and cycling. It is all about finding one’s balance in life. Keep up your beautiful posts.

  233. hi moviejoltz, just wanted to ty for liking my Pretty Boy story before i left on my trip, the encouragement is really appreciated.

    • My pleasure. Have a safe and fun trip and thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave your comments. Where are you headed off to, if you do not mind me asking.

  234. Immediate follow. I am loving your blog. As much as I love Godzilla, unless he can teleport, or fly a plane, what more can they do with it. Great reviews.

    • Thank you so much for coming by and choosing to follow my reviews; it is much appreciated. I hope I can surprise you from time to time with some hidden treasures.

  235. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller — Ray

  236. Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts, I really appreciate it. Your blog is amazing, congrats! The combination of movies, yoga and cycling seems to be a great way on the path to find balance in life – that’s what I also search. You got a fan in here.

    • It is very sweet of you to come by and tell me; thank you so much. Balance is the key I feel everyone could use in life and thank you for noticing. Keep up your wonderful posts and your path will come up on you before you know it. Thanks again for your comments.

  237. Thank you for the liking of my post. I find many of these great blogs of English and have wishing that I could nominate for award!! Movies can be popular all over the world and with good chance DVD to release in every country. With no “region code”. Please! Best wishes for your internet!!!!

  238. Thank you for visiting my blog at psikeep.wordpress.com and liking my most recent post.
    I hope I will hear from you in the comment section. By the way I did enjoy your review of “Maleficent” My only suggestion is to think of breaking your writing into paragraphs. It is more difficult to follow large areas of text on a monitor. Best regards.

    • Thank you for taking the time to come by and share your thoughts. You have not been the only one to suggest this and I have been looking at making a change to the reviews I post. I appreciate your concerns about reading them. Once again, thank you and keep up your wonderful site.

  239. I am currently writing a screenplay of my book. Merci for visiting my blog and wishing you all the best for yours!

  240. I enjoy reading your reviews. I do have one suggestion. I think your reviews would be much easier to read if you broke them down into paragraphs instead of one long post. Just one separation between the real world lead in to the review and the review itself would make a difference. Keep up the good work!

    • It is funny you are not the first person to tell me this, this week. I have been thinking about it for some time since my goal was to keep all reviews to one quick paragraph. However, with more of my being infused into the review I made a slight change to tonight’s review. It is more mental work for me so I have to now sit and see how I like the change. I hope you do and thanks again for your suggestion and comments; I appreciate it.

  241. This is an awesome site – I’ve been flicking through it for ages!

  242. Thanks for liking my geek t-shirt design post! You have a lot of work here to pour over, and I will check it out!


    • Hi Steven, Enjoyed visiting you site and seeing your creativity. Thank you for coming by to leave your comments. I hope you will find some hidden treasures here. Be well and keep posting.

  243. What a great site! I thought I loved the movies but after scanning your site I realize how behind I’ve gotten watching them over the last few years. I’ll be checking back regularly to get your recommendations and reviews. Thanks!

  244. I may be out of the subject, but i was wondering if you will considerate doing some recommendations for tv series at one point ? You do such a wonderful work for film critics, that would be awesome !

    • Oh, thank you so much for your sweet comments. I have not considered expanding into TV; these days I only watch a few shows/series since I am doing a lot of movies. If I find the time I will let you know. I appreciate you stopping by to leave your comments, thank you again.

  245. I’d like to see a few other pages: My Favorite 25, Best 25, Best 25 of the Year, Best 25 of the Previous 12 Months, 25 Movies I’ve Changed My Mind On, Best on Netflix.

    You know…in all that wasted spare time you’ve got!

    • Let me check to see how many extra days they will be adding to our 7 days a week routine. lol I do a couple of lists around Oscar time; I hope you can wait. If I win the lottery I certainly hope I can increase the scope of my site. Thanks for your comments.

  246. Great blog, and you have encouragingly invited us to walk with you on your journey! I have used movies, as many have done, in my own work with individuals in the change process. Fortunately good films go beyond my work. Looking forward to coming back. Hey, thanks, by the way, for visiting Wilder Man on Rolling Creek. Peace, T

    • It is a pleasure to meet you; I enjoyed visiting your site. Thank you for coming by to leave your comments; hopefully you can find some hidden treasures here. Keep up your good work.

  247. I’m wondering what Country you’re in. I am presuming you are American. Although I had a quick look through your site I didn’t notice any reference to your origin. The reason I ask is I’m interested in your review of Mr’s Browns Boys D’Movie. British and American humour can be at the opposite ends of the “humour park”. I’m curious to know if Americans find this movie; funny, don’t get it, or hate it. 🙂

    • Hi it is nice to meet you. You assume correctly, I live in the states and I agree with you on the different styles of humor from American to British. I think I have a few comedies under the foreign (for me at least) tab to the right. Thank you for stopping by to leave your comments, I appreciate it and once again it is a pleasure to meet you.

    • Your assumption is correct. I purposely keep personal info vague so as to keep the focus on the film reviews. I have not seen the movie you mentioned, but put it in my DVD queue. Yes, I agree with you regarding humor not always transferring across the continents. Thanks for coming by to leave your comments.

  248. Hey Thank you for visiting Keep Picturing and of course for like too. Your blog and reviews are really wonderful. Nice to meet you. Happy Friendships Day. Have a great day…:)

  249. Nice site! I am a movie junkie from way back. :0)

    • It is a pleasure to meet a fellow movie lover. Thank you for stopping by to leave your comment. I hope I can provide you a few surprises here and if nothing else, save you some money by steering you away from those lesser films.

  250. Thank you for liking my cartoon! 🙂

    • Hey, it was my pleasure and I have to tell you before I enjoyed your posts, I was first drawn to your site by your wild title. Thanks for coming by and leaving your comment.

  251. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray

  252. Thanks for the like at naturestimeline, much appreciated.

    Best Wishes


  253. Thanks for the like! Great site.

  254. Thanks for popping by my site. I shall be sending my son, the film fanatic, your way.

  255. Requesting a review of _4:44: Last Day on Earth_, which is available on Netflix and possibly in other places.

  256. This is one cool blog! thanks for sharing your movie experiences 🙂

  257. I’m pleased that you liked my post on “Swords, Specters, & Stuff.” You’re welcome back anytime!

  258. Happy to have found your blog 🙂 Will come here often to look up movies!

  259. Hallooo there! I could not figure out how you came across my foodie blog. I always read the blogs of WordPress bloggers who like my posts, and I was confuzzled until I ready your “About” page. You are a cyclist. Do you follow The Drunken Cyclist by any chance? 🙂 Either way, I’ve read quite a few of your movie reviews and you have a wonderful writing style and honest opinion about the movies. Glad you found me and I found you!

    • Arrgh… I hate typos. “…until I READ your…” 🙂

    • Hi and thank you so much for taking the time to come on by and leave your comments. I am familiar with The Drunken Cyclist site and was thrilled to see your great site. When I get the chance I love to seek out new sites; there really is such a sense of community among all of us I have found. Thanks for your kind words and keep up your fun posts.

      • I am on a somewhat hiatus after three years of blogging since I’m in the middle of moving and buying a house to remodel, but I do try to reblog an older post at least once a week to keep my readers around. I do look forward to your reviews. Very helpful!

  260. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I am reading some of your reviews. I admire your insights. =)

  261. Thank you to like my poetry. Hope you enjoy it 🙂

  262. Great site. I’ll be back for sure!

  263. Thank you for liking my post.

  264. Thank you for stopping by my little blog. I practice Tai Chi. Have not tried Yoga! My doctor recommended the former so I have now progressed through the first 24.
    Love the old movies. Have not watched a new one in years! Perhaps reading your reviews might prompt some interest in a movie.

    • Congratulations for doing something for yourself with Tai Chi; it sounds wonderful. I appreciate you stopping by to leave your comments and as you, I love the old movies. Depending on the week, I review some older films on DVD, noting it after the star rating. And there is a little part of me that hopes I get the chance to surprise you with a current film and you come by to tell me you went out to the movies. Thanks for your comments.

  265. Thanks for the like, Joltz! Enjoying your site. You may not know that I work in the movie biz. http://mitchteemley.com/2014/08/22/my-first-feature-film/

    • You are my hero. I just added your film to my queue, psyched to see your film; thank you for bringing it to my attention. Also, thank you for coming by to leave your comments; I appreciate it.

  266. I’m glad I found your blog. I accept your challenge – finding the movies that are worth to watch. Thanks for liking one of the posts on my blog!

    • It was my pleasure going through your posts; thank you so much for coming by to leave your comments. I hope I can surprise you from time to time, revealing a “must see” film for you.

  267. Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my latest post. What a nice site you have. I do love movies and have watched many and will watch many more. I have read some of your reviews and very much like the way you review the movies. I will be visiting from time to time to see which movies you have reviewed.

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to share your comments and kind words. It is always a pleasure to meet a movie goer and I hope I can surprise you time to time with some film treasures. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing on your site and be well.

  268. Great blog on a very interesting subject. Who doesn’t like a good movie. Thanks for stopping by.

  269. Thanks for visiting and the “like” on my blog! Looks like a fun blog you have, and very popular. I just wish film was as good as it was a decade or so ago!!

    • I will say it has become harder to find a 4 star film these days, but I will continue to try. Enjoyed your site, keep up the good work. Thank you for stopping by to leave your comments.

  270. Thanks for stopping by and reading my Blog. It means a lot to know someone took the time to read it.


  271. I haven’t met any person thus far who doesn’t love a movie! And, this site is great(: I like the idea of a FLASH movie review. Really quick to read, gives a nice gist and is absolutely useful:)
    Great stuff. Thanks for sharing your opinions with us and I wish you all the best in the future!
    Also, thank you for stopping by my blog:)

    • Thank you so much for coming by and taking the time to leave your kind comments. I appreciate it deeply and am glad you find the reviews useful; in turn, hopefully save you money before going to the theater. You have a wonderful site; do keep up your excellent posts.

  272. Thanks for visiting my blog. While I’m definitely a bookworm, I also LOVE movies! I’m looking forward to reading your reviews! Fantastic site 🙂

    • Thank you for coming by to leave your comments and kind words. We are similar because I love reading books also; but, I like seeing the movie first before reading the book. The reason being is the books are usually always better than the movie.

  273. You are highly liked! Thanks for following for my Lil ol blog 🙂

  274. Sorry I made a typo 🙂 thanks for checking out my Lil Ole blog

  275. Hi MovieJoltz, thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading about your movie reviews 🙂

  276. Thank you for liking “Holiday Lights.” Best of luck with your blog and Happy New Year! 🙂

  277. Hi, thanks for stopping by! glad I found your blog, it’s very interesting!
    I invite you to see more of my art-student-journal: https://ayeh1.wordpress.com/
    Best wishes,

  278. Merci for following 24/7 in France, author of “Solitary Desire-One Woman’s Journey to France” (video http://youtu.be/xG_YTa5sDac) and founder of Le Bal des Courtisans on the French Riviera

  279. Wow you have an awesome career – yoga, cycling, watching movies!? New admirer!

  280. Hi, thanks for stopping by and visiting my blogs, Have a super day!

  281. Thank you for your comment on my blog The stories continue and I am sure with delight from readers

  282. Thanks for popping by my blog and liking a post. What a great blog you have. Well done.

  283. Thanks for the visit and appreciating my post in my Aussie Ian site.
    I look forward to following your quite interesting site.
    It appears from the comments left by your followers that I am assured of an interesting journey, I am a fan of old movies, black and whites,classical 30s 40s etc also old westerns.
    I found this site by accident, you may care to have a look.
    Aussie Emu aka Aussie Ian

    • So nice to meet you and thank you for coming by to leave your comments. I hope from time to time I can surprise you with one of my reviews. Enjoyed your site, you must continue with it. Also, thanks for the site to check out; I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  284. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my recent post.

    Kind Regards,

  285. G’day there,
    Just dropping in to thank you for visiting my site and noting a like, both are greatly appreciated. 🙂

  286. Thanks for your interest in my story about Olafur Eliasson in Paris. Some time ago, I was like you sitting very often in dark rooms with big screens. Now I decided to go for a little more light.

    • It was my pleasure to stop by your site, keep up the good work on it. Presently I am still working on finding the balance between light and dark. Thanks for stopping by to leave your comments.

  287. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more of your movie reviews.

  288. Thanks for liking my post, ‘Parkinson’s and Clinical Trials’.

    Your site is very different and I like it, especially for info on movie’s, but also to introduce me to new movies I have not heard of.

    • Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. I look forward to surprising you from time to time with a hidden gem of a film. I enjoyed visiting your site; keep up the good work.

  289. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to found yours and look forward to read more reviews ..

  290. Definitely an interesting array of movies. Thanks for sharing, will be visiting again. Always like to see what’s going on out there in movieland. 😀

  291. Thanks for visiting my place Moviejoltz 🙂 I like what you have here… I’ll be back.

  292. thanks for stopping by and liking our post on birds!

  293. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post. Kindest Regards Cheryle

  294. I like this one (a documentary), that’s a sweet pic, I’ll follow, all the best.

  295. Wow! You have quite a site here. Thank you for stopping by mine. You have another follower now. I’ve always loved movies and still go to the theatre but watch a lot of them on Netflix.

    • It is a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for the comments and it is always wonderful to meet another movie lover. I hope I can surprise you from time to time with some hidden treasures.

  296. Sorry to be so late with this, but the wedding referred to in the poem you liked, Processional, on my blog WordMusic, was my wedding. So, I am just getting back to work. Thank you for your approval.

    Brent Kincaid

    • No reason to apologize Brent; under the circumstances I think I can give you a pass. lol Congratulations and best wishes as the two of you begin your lives together. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave your comments. I hope you are not still on your honeymoon.

  297. Great blog you write and I admire your dedication. I don’t get to the cinema as often as I would like but now know where to check up on films. Thanks for visiting Homeflair:)

    • It was my pleasure to visit your site. I also review DVDs here, so I hope I can surprise you from time to time. Thanks for stopping by and do keep up your great posts.

  298. Hello, thanks so much for taking the time to drop by my blog, much apprecition, it means so much to know at least someone sees and read my post.

    • We are all in this together and I try to keep a set time aside to support sites that move me. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave your comments. And do keep up with your fun site.

      • Awwww….thanks so much for your support and its very motivating to hear this. I definitely will continue to pursue my passion and be inspiring as much as I can. Glad you find it fun…. 🙂 Continue doing what you do, great blog!

  299. Hello, thank you for visiting my blog and “liking” one of my posts. Your blog is a very valuable resource that I will be revisiting. Thanks again ~Steph

    • Hi Steph, it is very kind of you to take the time to stop and leave your comments and kind words. Thank you and it was a pleasure visiting your site; keep up the good work.

  300. Thanks for stopping by. I’m going to follow… Some movies are disappointing and a waste of time

    • Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I can steer you from spending money on those films not worth the seeing. Keep up the good posts on your site.

  301. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your posts and can’t wait to read more!:)

    • Thank you, it is very kind of you to stop by and leave your comments. I hope you can find some hidden treasures here worth seeing. Keep up with your wonderful site.

  302. Thanks so much for the like on my post ! You have such an amazing blog 🙂

  303. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  304. Hi there! So we watched The Physician (with Ben Kingsley) last night on NetFlix, and looked for a review of it on your blog but didn’t find it. Both me and my husband really enjoyed it, so thought you might be interested in checking it out! It is rather long, but I really never got bored or anything. I’m curious to see your take on the movie, as I find your reviews very spot on. (Hopefully I won’t be disappointed with your review, but I know that won’t sway you as you are very honest.) Many thanks in advance!

  305. Thanks for stop over and liking my poetry,
    I am happy to see such a nice blog.. I am also in love with movies .. and I can say your blog is very beautiful and attractive, some content are really amazing. I am happy to see such nice content and would like to see more in future.
    Keep blogging

    • How kind of you to stop by to leave your comments; I am touched by your sweet words. You, also, need to keep blogging for your site was a pleasure to read and see. Thank you for your comments.

  306. An interesting blog, you must have the record longivity. Congats!
    Glad you like my cartoon, thanks for stopping by.

    • It was my pleasure visiting your site; keep up the good work and thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave your comments. Best wishes.

      • I think you have a very formidiible task. But it’s something you obviously enjoy. I find modern American films far less interesting than either foreign or classics, so your job would be stressful for me. I appreciate your work, and wish you, too, the best of luck! It’s much more fun to think up satires….

      • Thank you so much. Granted I have to sit through a lot of poorly made films to find that one special one. I try to catch up with foreign films on DVD, if I cannot at the theater.

  307. Hi

    Thank you for finding my blog and liking a post

  308. Thanks for the like on ‘An Enlightened Rogue’. Since I need a one-source guide to movies, I’m going to follow your blog.

  309. Wonderful site! I like it 🙂 Thank you so much for your appreciation!


    • Hi Mario, Thank you so much for stopping by to leave your comments and kind words. I hope you find some hidden treasures here from time to time and keep up your wonderful site.

  310. Hi! I found you after you found one of my posts. I too like films, yoga and cyling but don’t do enough of any of those these days. I’ll definately check out your reviews for ideas on dvd rentals every now and then. I assume you have top 10 or some other list of faves?

    • It is nice to meet you; you have a wonderful site, keep up the good work. Thank you for stopping by to leave your comments. I really do not have a top 10 list, but I do offer Oscar predictions. Hopefully I can surprise you from time to time with some hidden treasures listed here.

  311. HA!! Perfect! I love a good movie page!! You have the same tastes as I do!! Thank you for liking T Casey Brennan contribution to LOUD ALIEN NOIZE! I love the guy!! My email is tobedamit@gmail.com add me up!! Tobe Damit on FB!! Thanks for doing all this work!! I always appreciate a good suggestions for movies!! I appreciate! Peace Out!

    Tobe Damit

    • Hi Tobe; It is always a pleasure meeting a fellow movie lover. Thank you for taking the time to stop and leave your comments; I appreciate it. I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to enter your email address into the blog so you could get my reviews via email. If you want all you need to do is click the word “follow” on the bottom right, enter your email and the blog will email you a confirmation. Once you confirm, each time I post you will get a copy. I’ve been told people keep the ones they want in a file and delete the reviews of films they do not want to see. As long as I can save someone $ before going to the theater I feel I have done my job.

      Once again thank you and keep up your wonderful site.

      • I already did that my friend!

      • Cool; I hope I can surprise you from time to time and you get to find some hidden treasures. Thanks.

      • I’m a lover of underground and indie movies as well as mainstream if they are good. I checked your page and saw right away that we share a lot of the same tastes. I’m always looking for a good movie!! I know for sure I will find some hidden treasures on there. Thanks to you my friend! BTW My fav movie directors are Fellini, Tarkovsky, Zulawski, Coppola (father and daughter), Roman Polanski, Stanley Kubrick, Pang bros, Coen Bros, Ridley Scott, Sion Sono, Rob Zombie, Lars von Trier, David Cronenberg, James Wong, Danny Boyle, Tim Burton (of course!), Michel Gondry and many others but these are the first ones to pop out of my head right now.. Another day would be different but the first ones I named are forever the best to me. I did a post on Tarkovsky’s polaroids and a post on one of Sion Sono’s movie ”Himizu” but my fav movie from him is definitely Suicide Club. I loved Jon Knautz ”The Shrine”, ”The Loved Ones” by Sean Byrne and ”Sinister” by Scott Derrickson and I will stop there cuz I could go on forever!! Sorry!! When you start me up…. Cheers and have a wonderful day !! TY for your page!! I will for sure be back with comments on one of the movie you talked about, that is for sure!! Peace Out!

      • I love the diversity of the choices you listed here. Thank you so much for the insight into your thoughts; it is very cool to meet you and I am excited I have met someone who has a fondness and respect for the movie process. Keep up your good work as we both discover films through the other’s eyes.

      • I totally agree! I felt the same way when I saw your blog. I’m delighted you even knew about all of these people. So very few know of these remarquable movie directors… They might know one or two movies by them but not who has done them. So yes! Let’s go on a movie trip!

  312. I think I’ve watched three movies at the movie theater over the past ten years, but it’s nice to see someone who does, do something about it, like write reviews. Were I to watch more movies, I’d much prefer reading reviews by real people than those self-satisfied reviewers one sees on TV.

    The last three movies I’ve seen were Polar Express, which I thought was really cute, Iron Man III and Guardians of the Galazy. I liked them both, but Gardians was my favorite between the two. There, you have my movie reviews. Thanks for dropping by my place. 🙂

    • Well thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. FYi, from time to time I do review DVDs. I will say I feel I am hard on films so when you see a 4 star rating from me, you will know this film had the ability to take me to a different place. Keep up your great site and thanks again.

  313. Hello, thank you for your recent visit to my blog, and the like. I wish you continued success with your reviews. Blessings and peace.

  314. Nice. I will be using this site for finding movies for the kids.:)

  315. I like the movies you’ve viewed. Too bad about the Coopers though. You’re right, the cast sounds good, but . . . I will just have to see for myself. Thanks for stopping by to like my post, The Emoji Book Tag.

  316. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking a post. I am a big fan of films, too. I look forward to checking out your reviews of some of my faves.

    • Nice to meet you Tony and thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave your comments. I hope you will be surprised from time to time with some hidden treasures here. Keep up your great site.

  317. Just wanted to say Hi and to thank you for visiting and liking my blog. I shall look forward to returning to read more of your own.
    Take care my friend

  318. HI

    Thank you so much for finding my blog and liking a post. Hope you come back again soon

  319. This is a great site! I love it when people pursue their passion, best of luck!

  320. I am following you because I would like to know more about movies. I have seen so few in my life. I am searching for one that made a huge impact on me as a child. It was an American( black and white) musical movie staring a sailor and a child. I don´t remember if it was a boy or a girl. I must have seen it in the cinema about 1960. The scenes with the sailor and the child touched my heart then and maybe you can help me to find the title. I am writing a post on that subject.
    Greetings from a fellow blogger from Denmark

    • Hello, it is a pleasure meeting you. I do hope we can increase the number of movies you will see in this lifetime. Is the movie you are searching for On the Town or Anchors Aweigh by chance? Thank you for taking the time to stop by and introduce yourself.

  321. Thanks for visiting my blog at Bookheathen, and for the ‘like’.
    Best wishes – Andrew

  322. Please send my reviews to email, if I should leave WP.

    • My movie review site will do it for you. Please go to the review and in the bottom right corner you should see a “follow” tab. When you click on it a box comes up to enter your email address. It will email you a confirmation to confirm then any time I post you will get an email. And no one will see your address nor will it be sold for any reason. If you prefer me to do it still, please let me know and I will enter your email address.

  323. Aaaah! I had to scroll down so much to write this comment for you .. but worth it ..:)
    I generally stay away from movie reviews coz I feel it is just perspective .. although I never go for a movie with bad reviews ..:D . But I wanted to tell you that your movie review style is really engaging , it is fun to read. I like it !

    Thanks for stopping by my post and like. t

  324. I love movies, and I recently started to love blogging. Look forward to reading more of yours…

  325. I am pleased to meet you.

  326. great vibe here, glad to meet you. thanks -J

  327. What a fun blog! I love movies, and I love yoga. Win/win. 🙂

  328. I just wanted to say “hi.” You visited my blog a few moments ago and liked my guest author’s post about gifts for writers. I love movies, so when I saw your name, “Movie Joltz” I got excited. I haven’t seen the movies you review, like “5 Cloverfield Lane”, but I’d like to. I’m a teacher and always grading. I try to catch up on my films over the summer. Thanks again for the visit and liking my article.

    • Hi Janice it is a pleasure meeting the person behind your wonderful blog. Thank you for stopping by to leave your comments and I hope I can surprise you, along with saving you money, with some of my reviews. I too am a teacher but in the fitness world, so I understand the commitment. Keep up the good work.

  329. PS I was going to be a movie/entertainment reviewer too, but now I blog about blogging.

  330. Hello Mister Joltz! I want to thank you for your appreciation (“like”), which you have given to my blog. I believe that these appreciations are for the graphics, because the poems are written in Romanian language. Whatever is your motivation, I thank you for your visit on my blog. If you want, I have a few poems translated in English, which I could send them to you, as a message on your blog. In this way, you can see how are my poems! If I have your approval, I send them to you!

    • It is a pleasure meeting you and thank you for stopping by to leave your comments. As on my site, translation options are available to all of us. Thank you for the offer of the poems but I only post movie reviews on my site. However if you wish please email them to contact@moviejoltz.com and I would enjoy reading them. Keep up the good work, you have a wonderful site.

  331. coucou
    Happy to discover and follow your blog
    It’s very interessant

  332. What a fun blog! Lots and lots of great reviews!

  333. Thanks for stopping over. 🙂 I know where to go now when I need info about new movies. 😉

  334. Wow, you have one great looking blog here. Looks truly proffesional.Looking forward to more of your reviews 🙂

  335. Thank you for liking my post on “longitudes.” I love movies, too, so I look forward to poking around your blog.

    • Hi it is a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comments. I hope you can find a few hidden treasures here. Keep up the good work you are doing on your site.

  336. Hi moviejoltz,
    I found myself reading you as you had stumbled across a post of mine, thus alerting me to your site. As I was impressed, I have nominated you for the “3 days, 3 quotes,” challenge, which seems to be a thing here on WP. If I presume too much, I apologize, but here is the challenge:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you;
    2. Post 1- 3 quotes on three consecutive days;
    3. Nominate 3 bloggers for the challenge.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi it is a pleasure meeting you and you are too kind to nominate after just seeing my site for the first time. I appreciate the thought and will carry that since I keep my site exclusive to reviews and Oscar predictions only. Thank you once again.

  337. Great and really labourous job! Thank you for visiting eternamenta space.

    Best regards,


  338. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you will stop by again and if you like what you read, please follow me and get my blog post delivered right to your mail box. Blessings for the day.

  339. Hello! Thanks for stopping by Horseaddict. I love the movies and I love to go and see them on the big screen whenever possible. I enjoyed reading some of your reviews and I like how you give a personal introduction that opens up how you may view the story of the movie.

  340. Dear Jordan,
    we have an honour to invite to participate in first ETERNAMENTA AWARDS ‘Most Talented Reader’.
    Best Regards,
    More detailed information is here: https://eternamenta.wordpress.com/2016/11/14/eternamenta-blog-awards/

  341. Thank you for the Advice on my Blog
    Thanks again


  342. Hi moviejoltz; I notice that you do not have guest reviews, but if ever you decided to invite reviews for films you have not covered let me know. cheers from Sydney

  343. thanks for visiting my blog – especially as its led me to your great site 🙂

  344. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on the Saul Alinsky Rulebook. Glad you liked it. I found it fascinating. I am enjoying my visit to your little corner of the blogosphere.

  345. I too resisted having an ATM card, now I have one, but I won’t use it. lol

  346. There’s a great, charming gothic villain hiding in that profile pic! You should be IN the movies!

  347. Hey thank you for visiting realoveforever !n for your likes. You have an amazing blog very glad to connecting you !

  348. I appreciate your taking time to look at Twizzlers and Psycho Critics. Isn’t The Hunger a great movie? I have done a few other posts about my love of the movies, but certainly nothing like your in-depth reviewing. You have an awesome site. Awe-some! htpps://www.memoriesofatime.blog

    • Hi James and thank you for stopping by to leave your comments and kind words. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing on your site; I thoroughly enjoyed visiting it.

  349. Thank you for visiting! I’m glad you did so that I could visit your site and see the great work that you are doing here! I am looking forward to spending more time and exploring your site! You will here from me again soon! Thanks again!


  350. Hi, I am glad to come across your page. I am in need of your help as a movie reviewer/blogger. Is there anyway I can contact you via email? Mine is ritzellv@gmail.com.

  351. That’s quite a track record! Lovely to meet you. 🙂

  352. Hi there! thanks for visiting my blog, and for the ‘like’. Do you have a review of The Stepford Wives…?

  353. Thanks for liking a post on my blog! 😀

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