Flash Movie Review: The Conjuring

The random clicking sound became deliberate, attracting my attention. It sounded as if it was near the kitchen door. My hand slowly slid around the dining room wall, looking for the light switch before I would enter the kitchen. As the fluorescent fixture soaked the room in white light, I intently stared at the back door. The transom window was closed and what light spilled onto the back porch did not reveal anything lurking outside. A sigh of relief passed through my dry lips just as the floor behind me groaned under a sudden added weight. I spun around to a vacant room, shaken up by the noticeable sounds. Walking over to the television, I turned the sound up louder and waited for the return of my parents. You see, it was the first time I was left home alone without a babysitter. It was surprising how my imagination took those familiar sounds from my home and turned them into something sinister and threatening. That feeling of oncoming dread slithered its way throughout this thrilling film. After Carolyn and Roger Perron, played by Lili Taylor (The Haunting, High Fidelity) and Ron Livingston (The Cooler, Drinking Buddies), moved into their new home with their 5 children, unexplained incidents began to occur. When they seemed to turn aggressive, paranormal investigators Lorraine and Ed Warren, played by Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air, Source Code) and Patrick Wilson (Insidious, Watchmen), were asked to find an explanation for these hostile events. Director James Wan (Saw, Insidious) did a beautiful job of crafting an old-fashioned horror movie. The acting was formidable, especially from Vera and LIli. I was swept into the story partially because it did not use blood and gore to scare the audience; it made the viewers use their imaginations. For me, the middle of the movie played stronger compared to the beginning and end. This was a good old-time, scary film that will have you gripping your arm rests. A couple of brief scenes had blood in them.


3 stars

About moviejoltz

From a long line of movie afficionados, one brother was the #1 renter of movies in the country with Blockbuster, I am following in the same traditions that came before me. To balance out the long hours seated in dark movie theaters, I also teach yoga and cycling. For the past 3 years, I have correctly picked the major Oscar winners... so join me as we explore the wonder of movies and search for that perfect 4 star movie.

Posted on July 22, 2013, in Thriller and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. That’s definitely scary… right up my alley. Ghosts !

  2. Can’t wait to see it! Thanks!

  3. Wasn’t sure about how good the movie would be based on the trailer. Now I’ve been hearing that this is a good movie. Thanks for the review! Now I want to go see it!

    • I am glad you enjoyed the review. Hopefully you will enjoy the movie as much as I did; let me know what you think of it, I would like to know. Thanks for your comments.

  4. The Dancing Rider

    Mid-portion of movie I found much scarier and interesting. I like The Conjuring because it was more old-fashioned horror/supernatural thriller. When it goes cheap in blu-ray, I’ll add it to my supernatural thriller collection. It did have some of the feeling of Insidious (a movie I also liked). Ending didn’t do much for me, but not sure what I would have preferred….

    Did a bit of research post-movie (always a good sign that I’ve liked a film based on a “true story”), and was intrigued to find that the paranormal/possession investigtative couple also worked on the Amityville Horror case. Something you would think I’d have remembered, from researching AH, but I didn’t!

    • I have to tell you that I am surprised you did not remember the connection with Amityville Horror case. Based on your comments, I feel you are a detail oriented person. Glad you enjoyed this old fashioned type of film and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Be well.

  5. Theatre of Pain

    I didn’t read your review beforehand and gave this one a shot after it premiered on HBO. I lasted for almost 30 minutes before I stopped watching it. Although I enjoyed the imagery you painted with your intro to the review, this movie really wasn’t for me. I just don’t have any reaction to doors opening or closing, clocks stopping, dark shadows or dolls sitting on the floor. I keep hoping to find a movie that terrifies me as much as The Exorcist (1973) did but I think my imagination is broken or maybe I’m just jaded by the amount of visuals that I have seen on screen and miss them when they aren’t there.

    • If I were to venture a guess, I would think you have seen way more horror films than I have so far. I can see where you would not be scared by the elements in this film. Thanks for the insight.

      • Theatre of Pain

        I have seen a good amount of horror but I’m not a fan of low budget B-movies so that cuts a lot of movies out of the rotation. I think I’ve mentioned before that I cannot recall the last really good horror movie I watched but I do enjoy the television series – American Horror Story on FX and Penny Dreadful on Showtime. I’m also looking forward to the the final season of True Blood hoping that it finds much better closure than the disappointing end of Dexter.

      • And now I am hearing True Blood may be turned into a musical–really?!?!?

      • Theatre of Pain

        True Blood as a musical… I’ll pass. I really wanted to see TIm Burton’s Sweeney Todd but I coudn’t get past all the singing. I actually logged on here to let you know that I watched Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale and found it to be delightfuly dark with a twisted sense of humor about it. Two thumbs up! On another note, I don’t know if you’ve been watching Penny Dreadful on Showtime or not but the show is fantastic – writing, acting, costumes, sets – it has it all. And the last episode called “Possession” had some seriously dark and sinister moments in it. There were some scenes of blood but it wasn’t overly gory in my opinion. I highly recommend it but you should really watch it from the beginning instead of jumping in at this point. This coming Sunday is the season one finale.

      • Thanks for letting me know about Rare Exports, but I already reviewed it back in February. And I agree with everything you said about it; I loved it. I do not have that cable station, so I will file Penny Dreadful as a series to check out. Appreciate your help and direction, thank you.

      • Theatre of Pain

        I read your review of Rare Exports shortly after you posted it as I check my Reader regularly. I just wanted to let you know that I watched it because of your review and the comments we shared on its thread. I should have replied to the original but it was late and I was tired so I just posted it here as part of the “True Blood musical” response. Speaking of True Blood, did you watch the season premiere last Sunday? If so, what did you think of it?.

      • I did see the premiere and was stunned at one particular loss. (Please do not mention the name in case there are some who did not see it yet.) Like most 1st episodes it was more a vehicle to set up this season’s story. Next week will be more telling to me. What did you think?

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