Flash Movie Review: Ricky Stanicky

WHILE AT A FRIEND’S HOUSE, THERE was a crash we heard coming out of the kitchen. We both raced to see what happened. On the floor were scattered ceramic pieces mixed with what looked like to me, broken chocolate chip cookies. Over to the side of the mess was their young son. When asked what happened, the little boy said the cookie jar fell off the counter. Their parent asked if they did it and the young son said he did not. I stayed near the kitchen door because I could see where this conversation was going, and I did not want to find myself in the middle of it. I assumed there was going to be crying or wailing soon, so I wanted to make sure I could step quickly out of the room while my friend managed the situation. It did not take long for the crying to start, so I made my exit and sat back down on the sofa. I only had to wait a couple of minutes before my friend returned. We were both amused about the situation, commenting on how most kids’ first response when confronted by a troubling situation is either “I do not know” or “not me.” Granted at an early age, responsibility can be an obtuse concept. I can tolerate a young child not grasping this concept; but not for an adult, who should know better.      WHEN I ENCOUNTER AN ADULT WHO does not take ownership of their actions, that is when I have a tough time engaging with them. I worked at a company that had an employee who never admitted to any kind of wrongdoing or inconsiderate action. They worked in a different department than I did, but we all worked close together in a large office. Because I was not a coffee drinker, I was not involved with the perpetual employees who would come out of the kitchen and ask who left an empty coffee pot on the burner of the coffee machine. No one ever confessed to this “crime” as far as I could tell. However, I remember one time walking into the kitchen just as this one employee was drinking the last bit of coffee from a Styrofoam cup the company provided with the coffee. Before they turned to acknowledge me, they quickly tossed the cup into the garbage. We exchanged a couple of pleasantries before they walked out. I noticed there was an empty coffee pot sitting on a burner that was still on. I turned it off before I got my cup of water and returned to my desk. Whenever someone would come out of the kitchen and ask who left an empty pot, I always took a glance at this employee. They never let on that they were the culprit. Granted, in the scheme of things, this is not a major thing; however, if you want to see adults not taking responsibility for their actions in a big way, then you might want to watch this comedy.      THREE ADULT MEN WHO KNEW EACH other since elementary school had a friend that was always getting in trouble for them. The friend, however, was not a real person; he was made up. With Zac Efron (The iron Claw, The Greatest Showman) as Dean, John Cena (Freelance, Vacation Friends franchise) as Ricky Stanicky (Rod Rimestead), Andrew Santino (The Disaster Artist, Me Time) as JT, relative newcomer Riley Stiles as Young Dean and Brian Jarvis (The Greatest Beer Run Ever, Daddy Knows Best-TV) as the Police Chief; this film was lucky it had John and Zac in it. The script was a mix of slapstick and lowbrow humor, with some crassness thrown in. I gave John credit for all the situations he was put in which he wholeheartedly took on. Also, he does have a certain screen presence that makes the viewer root for him. With some scenes not being believable to me, I was bored part of the time. I am afraid the writers have no one to blame for this car crash of a story but themselves.                     

1 ¾ stars 

About moviejoltz

From a long line of movie afficionados, one brother was the #1 renter of movies in the country with Blockbuster, I am following in the same traditions that came before me. To balance out the long hours seated in dark movie theaters, I also teach yoga and cycling. For the past 3 years, I have correctly picked the major Oscar winners... so join me as we explore the wonder of movies and search for that perfect 4 star movie.

Posted on April 9, 2024, in Comedy and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. The premise seems similar to ‘Drop Dead Fred’, which I have not seen since it was first released. It is difficult not to like John Cena and I was very impressed with Efron in ‘The Iron Claw’ but this movie very much seems like it would not land with me. Comedies are not generally my genre and lowbrow comedy definitely not.

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